Who we are

We are an international volunteer movement of Christians from many backgrounds, cultures and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world. Also known as YWAM (pronounced “WHY-wham”), our purpose is simply to know God and to make Him known.

YWAM has a decentralized structure that encourages new vision and the exploration of new ways to change lives through training, convey the message of the gospel and care for those in need. We are currently operating in more than 1000 locations in over 180 countries, with a staff of over 18,000.

YWAM’s waves hit the shores of the Philippines more than 30 years ago. One crest of those present-day waves is the Mobile Discipleship Ministry. In 1993, Doug Sharpe and family, together with the Mobile Discipleship Team set out to pioneer a training center in Talisay City, Cebu. From the very first day when they set foot on the property in Carmen Village, Talisay City, it has been an adventure of faith!


We are a visionary family of worshipping warriors, committed to love God and each other as we fulfill the great commission in partnership with the body of Christ and in complete dependence of the Holy Spirit.


Our vision is to train and send out servant-led apostolic teams who will pioneer in the major cities of the Visayas Islands, the unreached people of Indo-China and the world.


We will accomplish this through a program of continued Discipleship and Leadership Development, Evangelism, release of New Ministries, Multiplication of Schools, Church Mobilization and Mercy Ministry.


A Christian community is produced by the shared life of Christ and the reality of His presence among us. There is no real community apart from the presence of the Living Christ. He alone is our peace who breaks down every wall.

As a witnessing and worshiping community we know that the Father has called us to live together as a family. Our purpose statement clearly states that we are a “Visionary Family of Worshiping Warriors”. From the beginning of our ministry we have desired to create and maintain the core value of family. We understand that our life together in community under the Lordship of Christ has the compelling power to move a watching world toward faith in Him! It is also in this context of our shared life in Christ that the gifts of the Spirit are manifested to bring healing to broken hearts, and let the oppressed go free. Responsibility to our world and to one another, freedom and healing in Christ and security in the Father’s love is what community is all about. When we know the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God the Father and the presence of the fellowship of the Holy Spirit than the reality of Christian Community is made possible.

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